Project Description



With machine learning and smart algorithms, CUBE-TECH makes possible what accommodation providers and destinations have long dreamed of: a complete market overview from hundreds of millions of available data points With MARKET-ANALYSE you gain insights into the pricing structure of your destination and comparable values of your competitors.

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Advantages for service partners
  • Detailed price analysis
  • Over 600 parameters
  • Millions of observations
  • Unique market insights
  • Monitoring of competitors

A mosaic with hundreds and thousands of pieces

MARKET-ANALYSE evaluates up to 600 parameters and millions of data points in its overview, including pricing policy (such as meals, cancellation conditions, etc.), facilities, location and proximity to attractions, connections to public transport, customer reviews and many other factors.

Most detailed pricing insights

The systematic query of available offers and varying booking periods creates a detailed price forecast for six months for each room category. Our solution further accounts for price differences and availability for offers that include additional services (i.e. breakfast included), discounts (i.e. special rates) and factors duration into its forecasts.

Let’s put an end to lost bookings

SPECIAL REQUEST solves the common problem of alleged availability bottlenecks due to limited capacity and changing allotments. This means that rooms can also be booked by the customer if the accommodation provider needs to evaluate capacity or manually allocate availability. This unique feature will help to prevent loss of bookings and reduce discounted allotments in favour of well-paying guests.

The best marketable price

Based on the price level of a destination, region or city, MARKET-ANALYSE can represent the market-compliant price at the time of booking at the hotel or room type level. This allows you to optimize your pricing based on a total market comparison to systematically increase your earnings. For more details please see MARKET-PREDICT.

Now it’s your turn!

Get in touch with us.

Every region has its particularities, every business is unique — and every implementation is different. That is why we want to talk to you. We are also more than happy to present a live demo of our solutions!

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